Correction de bug lu sur le forum de à propos de l’incompatibilité de leurs thèmes avec WordPress 3.1.

For those who have already upgraded or those who want to upgrade to WordPress 3.1, please follow the simple instructions below.

1. Fix for Newswire, FashionPro, Gadget, ClearType, Portal, NewsTube, Bigfoot, Freshlife

Open /wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME/includes/theme-options.php,

$settings = ‘mods_‘.get_current_theme();  

$settings = ‘theme_mods_‘.get_current_theme();

Then go to WP Dashboard -> Appearance ->Your Theme Options, click « Save Settings« .

2. Fix for Weekly, Cube Light, Division, Garden, Daily, ChannelPro

Open /wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME/functions/theme-options.php,

$modsname = ‘mods_‘.$theme; 

$modsname = ‘theme_mods_‘.$theme;

Then go to WP Dashboard -> Appearance ->Your Theme Options, click « Save Changes« .

NOTE: You might have to re-config your Theme Options before saving if you lost your previous configs.

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