IE7Pro est un logiciel initialement prévu pour ajouter tout un lot de fonctions sympathiques (utilisation des onglets à la Firefox, gestes de souris à la Opera, etc.) au navigateur MS Internet Explorer dans sa version 7. Seulement, depuis la sortie de la version 8 de MSIE, IE7Pro est devenu instable, voire inexploitable. Pourtant, une solution (provisoire) existe.
Solution pour utiliser IE7Pro sur MSIE8
Dans sa version 8, Microsoft a introduit MS Internet Explorer 8 une nouvelle technologie baptisée LCIE pour « Lossely Coupled IE ». Celà permet d’ouvrir simultanément plusieurs onglets et fenêtres du navigateur sans en diviser successivement les ressources-système allouées. En gros, il suffirait de désactiver cette fonction. A tester.
Solution sur IE7Pro Forum
[…] A way to fix this is to configure LCIE to use only one tab process, or to disable it altogether.
To do this, you have to edit the dword « TabProcGrowth » under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain inside the registry editor. TabProcGrowth may not be there, if this is so, you’ll have to manually create it. TabProcGrowth controls the process model of IE8: When set to 0, it runs everything in a single process, same way as IE7. When set to 1, two seperate processes are used: an IE Frame, and a Tab process (both named iexplore.exe). When TabProcGrowth is set to any number above 1, IE8 will create new processes until the TabProcGrowth number is met. Deleting the dword will make IE8 handle the amount of processes automatically, based on your system resources.With LCIE disabled (TabProcGrowth = 0), IE7pro will properly load in IE8, always.
With LCIE set to one tab process (TabProcGrowth = 1), IE7pro will properly load in IE8, again always (since only one tab process is created, and IE7pro loads fine in that).
With LCIE set to multiple tab processes (TabProcGrowth = >1, or if no TabProcGrowth dword is present), IE7pro will properly load in IE8, BUT every once in a while it will not load in some tabs. […]EDIT: you can also set TabProcGrowth to the strings « small », « medium » and « large », sans quotes:
small: Maximum 5 tab processes in a logon session, requires 15 tabs to get the 3rd tab process.
medium: Maximum 9 tab processes in a logon session, requires 17 tabs to get the 5th tab process.
large: Maximum 16 tab processes in a logon session, requires 21 tabs to get the 9th tab process.
(according to … r-8-0.aspx)