L’Arlésienne se poursuit. Il y a deux mois (voir ce billet), on nous promettait sous le sapin la tant attendue nouvelle mouture, enfin stable, du CMS Joomla!, la version 1.5. Et bien non. C’est encore une "Release Candidate", la quatrième (RC4) du genre, que nous apportera le père Noël, la der des der, promesse de développeur(!). On veut bien les croire puisque si la RC3 fut baptisée "Takriban" ("presque" en swahili), la RC4, elle, est nommée Karibu, qui veut dire "proche", toujours en swahili…
- Joomla! 1.5 RC4 — Introducing Karibu
Article du site officiel de Joomla, téléchargement et liens utiles - Joomla! Portal.ch – Joomla! 1.5 RC4 Karibu veröffentlicht
La nouvelle sur Joomlaportal.ch – die schweizer Supportprofis zu Joomla
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- So where is RC4? – Joomla Feed
It now has been several weeks since RC3 has been released and Johan did some explanation in hit blog post “Is Joomla! 1.5 RC really a release candidate?“. People who have been to the Swedisch Joomla!day or those who have taken a look at my presentation of that Joomla!day will have noticed I have given and explanation what we mean with “It’s done when it’s done”. I am fully aware this is a very confusing phrase and certainly gives no clear insight on when Joomla! 1.5 will be finished, so let me try to clear this one up. […] - Joomla! CMS News Portal » Joomla 1.5 RC4 Now Available
Joomla 1.5 RC4 is now available for download from the Offical Joomla web site. The development team and community have been working hard on the latest release of Joomla 1.5 RC4 code named Karibu which includes a number of updates plus fixes to bring it one step closer to the final stable release. For more information about the latest release visit the Joomla web site today. […] - Infobulles.ch – Syndication de flux RSS » Search ="joomla karibu"
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